Welcome to GDD 210

In this course you will continue to learn how to use Unity and C# to make games.

Each learning module is accompanied by a Unity project full of examples related to the topic of the Lab. There will also be a series of lessons to follow along with as you work through the example project. These will go through the Unity scenes step by step and help you to understand how each feature is implemented. After the Labs we will begin working on individual and team projects. These projects are a chance to take what you've learned so far as a developer and make a polished game that will eventually end up on your professional portfolio, the most important element in getting a job in the games industry.
Throughout the development process of each project there will be critical analysis from your colleagues about your game design, aesthetics, and implementation. Students will gain valuable experience by receiving honest feedback and using it to drive actionable change in their games development.

Section 1

  • M/W 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
  • 8/26/2023 - 12/14/2023
  • Tator Hall, 129 Lecture

Section 2

  • M/W 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
  • 8/26/2023 - 12/14/2023
  • Tator Hall, 129 Lecture