
Each Assignment Set features a series of interactive discussions about a topic, and concludes with students submitting a build which utilizes the relevant material in an interactive game or experience.
The focus of the builds should be on utilizing the concepts covered in the lecture to create an experience for the player. Explore your new skills and experiment with them to help refine your abilities.

Grading is based on the inclusion, and quality, of:

  • Project Management (Trello/Mira/MilaNote/Jira/etc.) linked on portfolio ( example on Trello ) and contains:
    • Asset Attribution - Anything you use that you didn't create should be properly cited. Leave the creators name and a link to where you found the asset.
    • Design Document for Project - Paragraph describing the game you're going to make, including details about game mechanics, characters, story, art style, etc.
    • Postmortem for Project - Paragraph describing the final state of your project after you finished it, what you learned in making it, challenges you faced and how you solved them, etc.
  • Game Build/Project linked on portfolio:
    • A .zip file of a Windows build of your game.
    • A .zip file or GitHub repository link for your project. This should be for the full Unreal project, not just a build of the game.
    • Game should reflect an understanding of the content covered in the lecture.
    • Game displays student effort and creativity. Make something that is interesting to you, explore a mechanic, tell a story, evoke emotions, showcase your abilities and work ethic. The more you strive to make quality games in the classroom, the more you will stand out when applying for jobs and showing off your work.

Final Project

Projects are larger scoped games that are meant to serve as portfolio pieces. These should be polished, bug free, complete experiences, that showcase each students abilities and work ethic.
Projects will be completed on teams of 2+ students. Teams will utilize the Agile project management philosophy and take on dedicated roles not only as designers and developers, but also as team members. Roles like team leader and scrum leader are required, and more granular roles can be created for larger teams.

Grading is based on the inclusion, and quality, of:

  • Project Management (Trello/Mira/MilaNote/Jira/etc.) linked on portfolio ( example on Trello ) and contains:
    • Project management demonstrates iterative development, including documentation of testing and feedback analysis.
    • Design Document for Project - Detailed document describing game mechanics, characters, story, art style, audience, input, etc.
    • Documentation of Work - Team member roles and detailed list of contributions to game design, development, and team responsibilities.
    • Playtest Forms - Links to forms used to gather feedback from playtest sessions.
    • Asset Attribution - Anything you use that you didn't create should be properly cited. Leave the creators name and a link to where you found the asset.
    • Postmortem for Project - Detailed description of the final state of your project after you finished it, what you learned in making it, challenges you faced and how you solved them, etc.
  • Game linked on portfolio
    • Windows build of your final game submitted to a public facing platform (, Steam, Google Play Store, etc.)
    • A .zip file or GitHub repository link for your project. This should be for the full Unreal project, not just a build of the game.
    • Project demonstrates the ability to use and build on skills learned in the program to date.
    • Game utilizes audio, narrative, and visual, assets to create compelling experience.
    • Game has been thoroughly tested for bugs.
    • Gameplay meets goals of design: Engaging mechanics, compelling story telling, fun, challenging, etc. The game should create a feeling for the players, and this feeling should be targeted in the design.

Downloadable syllabus available here.