GDD140 Creativity & Computation Showcase Home
George Nees

GDD140 Scrolling Landscape Project Showcase

Scrolling Landscape Project Description

For this project, you will create a continuously changing, scrolling landscape. This could take the form of scrolling citiscape. It could be a conveyor belt at a factory. It could be a ship moving through outerspace. It could be someone looking out a train window. It could be sailboats on the ocean. If you're lost at how to do this, start with your solution from exercise 8.1 and build off of it. Use classes. You must have at least two different moving object types (i.e. two arrays of objects) in your solution.

Scrolling Landscape Projects

Jack Duggan Scrolling

Jack Duggan

Spring 2022

Sebastian Pokluda Scrolling Landscape

Sebastian Pokluda

Spring 2022

Omar Rosario Scrolling Landscape

Omar Rosario

Spring 2022

Ashley Campise Scrolling Landscape

Ashley Campise

Fall 2020

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