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GDD 250 Interactive Storytelling: Assignments

Due Dates and Times

All weekly projects are "turned in" when they are posted to your online folder (where a timestamp shows when it was turned in). Written projects are due at the beginning of class in the appropriate format. The midterm and final have due dates and times listed on the class schedule. fish No credit will be given for late assignments.

Interactive Narrative Analysis (150 pts.)
We will experience a wide range of different kinds of interactive storytelling over the course of the semester. You will choose one that you find particularly compelling and write an analysis of it. The paper should include short descriptions and critique of:

weekly assignments (200 pts. total 20 each)
Weekly assignments must be posted by 6 pm Sunday night. It is obviously a good idea to turn them in much much earlier. Technical difficulties are not an excuse in this class. If you work with digital media, you have to expect them and plan accordingly. Each assignement is worth 20 points. If it works correctly, grade is a 20, present, but doesn't work, 10, not posted, 0.

In-class presentation and critique (100 pts.)
Select one of the stories on this page, or from elsewhere. Each student will pick a day during the semester and then have 10-15 minutes of classtime to demo the story and present a critical analysis of it. Your index page should link to a page where you have a 3 paragraph analysis of the piece and why you chose it.

mid-term project (150 pts. total)
An interactive narrative that uses text and graphics and audio. Piece should have at least 10 separate sections (decision points/ story branches) that the reader can navigate. Reader should be able to make choices that matter to the outcome of the story. You can use your preferred platform for this project. All code must be commented, credited (if not authored by you) and turned in on the due date in order to receive credit for the assignment. Story concept/development documents will be presented to the class (and approved by instructor) by week 6. Project grade has 3 components: storyboards: 30 points, working game: 80 points, usability test and analysis: 40 points. Take a look at the Grading Criteria for more details.

final project (250 pts. total)
A complex, interactive narrative that demonstrates the storytelling and coding skills you have learned over the course of the semester. You can use your preferred platform for this project. All code must be commented, credited (if not authored by you) and turned in on the due date in order to receive credit for the assignment. Complete description and paper storyboard must be handed in and discussed with instructor three weeks before final public presentation.project grade has 3 components: storyboards/ paper prototype: 50 points, story (idea, mechanic, art/graphic design, coding): 150 points, usability test and analysis with focus on how the product could be improved, description of audience and method of reaching them: 50 points. Grading Criteria

design notebook (100 pts.)
this should contain: responses to readings, student work and class presentations, complete storyboards for all of your weekly assignments, responses to in-class usability tests, and the storyboards and usability studies for your midterm and final. a good notebook is an essential tool for communicating with a client. doing clear, neat design work on paper is an essential skill when working with a design team as well. if you are more comfortable designing projects in photoshop or illustrator, print your work and paste it in the book. Your design notebook will be checked at midterm (40 points) and at the end of class (60 points)

constructive classroom involvement (50 pts.) Participation in class critiques is essential to becoming a good designer. You will learn how to look at your own work and that of your colleagues with a critical eye. Constructive critique of others' work is good for you and your classmates. these points will be used to nudge a grade either up or down. Constructive classroom involvement includes attendance, constructive discussion, helping other students, and volunteering for demonstrations. non-constructive involvement is anything which adversely disrupts the labs and/or non-attendance. This specifically includes working on class computers during times when the instructor is lecturing or students are making presentations. Students who insist on being disrespectful in this manner will have their grades lowered. The lab involvement nudge is completely subjective; the bottom line: be respectful and do good work.

grading criterion Weekly assignments are worth 20 points each. If the assignment is linked to your website on time and is working, you get 20 points. If it is on time, linked and not working, you get 10 point. If it is not posted to the web on time, 0 points. Regardless of whether or not you get points for the assignment, you must have all the assignments completed in order to pass the course.
Grades for the midterm and final projects will be determined according to the Multimedia Grading Criteria and will include input from classmates collected on the evaluation forms.
Design notebooks will be graded at the end of the semester on completeness, neatness and utility.

read this!

It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades over the course of the semester. Your grades are posted on Blackboard and can be checked at any time. You earn your grades by the degree to which you meet the requirements of the assignments. If you find that you are not doing as well as you would like to be doing in the class you can meet with me to discuss extra credit projects. If you feel that I have made a mistake recording a grade or failed to enter a grade that you earned correctly, I encourage you to email me so that I can correct it. I do not wish to receive emails requesting that I change your grade because you would prefer to have a higher one. I will not reply to emails of this nature.

Following is the attendance policy for all QU Game Design classes: You are expected to be in class ready to work at the beginning of the scheduled class time. PROMPT ARRIVAL TO CLASS IS EXPECTED. Three late arrivals to class will equal one absence. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU HAVE 3 OR MORE ABSENCES YOU MAY BE ASKED TO WITHDRAW FROM THE COURSE. 4 ABSENCES DURING THE SEMESTER WILL RESULT IN A FAILING GRADE. Attendance for the last class meeting scheduled during Finals Week is required. There is no distinction between "excused" or "unexcused" absences - missed course work, content and class participation are an issue in any absence and can negatively impact the rest of the class members. In the case of extenuating circumstances, such as an ongoing illness or the death of a loved one, the professor should be consulted as soon as possible, and documentation from the Student Affairs office may be required. In such circumstances the faculty and student can negotiate the possibility of granting an "Incomplete." In the rare cases where a student is allowed to take an "Incomplete" as the result of extenuating circumstances, the student must follow the guidelines and timelines stipulated in the University catalog.

grade percentage description
A 93-100 Outstanding achievement. Student performance demonstrates full command of the course materials and evinces a high level of originality and/or creativity that surpasses course expectations.
A- 90-92 Excellent achievement. Student performance demonstrates thorough knowledge of the course materials and exceeds course expectations by completing all requirements in a superior manner
B+ 87-89 Very good work, above-average, Student performance demonstrates comprehension of the course materials.
B 83-86 Good work. Student performance meets designated course expectations, demonstrates good understanding of material.
B- 80-82 Better than average. Student performance demonstrates better than average understanding of material.
C+ 77-79 Slightly better than average work.
C 73-76 Average work.
C- 70-72 Slightly below average work.
D 60-69 Below average work.
F >60 Failing.
Original art engraved by Adriano Porazzi, embellished and printed by Alberto Casiraghi at Pulcinoelefante. Website © 2014 elena bertozzi