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GDD 394 Rules

Expected Student Outcomes

It is expected that students will have acquired and demonstrated the following skills:


The assignments for this class must be turned in complete and on-time. NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED. If you have a medical or family emergency which will prevent you from getting your work done, it is your obligation to notify me of this fact and provide me with the appropriate documentation BEFORE the due date of the assignment. If your work is not turned in on time and you have not provided me with an excuse prior to the due date, do NOT email me with justifications. You will simply not receive credit for the assignment.


If you are unclear about what constitutes either of these, please read the relevant sections of the Student Handbook : http://www.quinnipiac.edu/about/academic-integrity/ The Policy for Academic Integrity is here on MyQ. If I discover cheating or plagiarism in my classes, I always prosecute the case to the fullest extent. This means that I notify the Academic Integrity Board which assists me in assessing responsibility and determining punishment and there is a permanent record in your file. I put a great deal of time and effort into grading. Grading plagiarized work is a waste of my time and energy. Your papers must be turned in electronically and they will be checked in turnitin.com.


It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades over the course of the semester. Your grades are posted on Blackboard and can be checked at any time. You earn your grades by the degree to which you meet the requirements of the assignments. If you find that you are not doing as well as you would like to be doing in the class you can meet with me to discuss extra credit projects. If you feel that I have made a mistake recording a grade or failed to enter a grade that you earned correctly, I encourage you to email me so that I can correct it. I do not wish to receive emails requesting that I change your grade because you would prefer to have a higher one. I will not reply to emails of this nature. Students in the GDD program must maintain a 3.0 in the required classes to be in good standing.

read this!

It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades over the course of the semester. Your grades are posted on Blackboard and can be checked at any time. You earn your grades by the degree to which you meet the requirements of the assignments. If you find that you are not doing as well as you would like to be doing in the class you can meet with me to discuss extra credit projects. If you feel that I have made a mistake recording a grade or failed to enter a grade that you earned correctly, I encourage you to email me so that I can correct it. I do not wish to receive emails requesting that I change your grade because you would prefer to have a higher one. I will not reply to emails of this nature.

Following is the attendance policy for all QU Game Design classes: You are expected to be in class ready to work at the beginning of the scheduled class time. PROMPT ARRIVAL TO CLASS IS EXPECTED. Three late arrivals to class will equal one absence. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU HAVE 6 OR MORE ABSENCES YOU MAY BE ASKED TO WITHDRAW FROM THE COURSE. 7 ABSENCES DURING THE SEMESTER WILL RESULT IN A FAILING GRADE. Attendance for the last class meeting scheduled during Finals Week is required. There is no distinction between "excused" or "unexcused" absences - missed course work, content and class participation are an issue in any absence and can negatively impact the rest of the class members. In the case of extenuating circumstances, such as an ongoing illness or the death of a loved one, the professor should be consulted as soon as possible, and documentation from the Student Affairs office may be required. In such circumstances the faculty and student can negotiate the possibility of granting an "Incomplete." In the rare cases where a student is allowed to take an "Incomplete" as the result of extenuating circumstances, the student must follow the guidelines and timelines stipulated in the University catalog.


Quinnipiac University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and full participation for students with disabilities. No qualified student will be excluded from participation in any University program or be subject to any form of discrimination based on his/her disability. For more information contact John Jarvis, coordinator of learning services at 203-582-5390or John.Jarvis@ Quinnipiac.edu


The Quinnipiac University Student Handbook is intended to serve as a source of information on the many services, activities and policies of Quinnipiac.The handbook can be found on MyQ


Professionals are available for academic assistance and can recommend other resources on campus to help students throughout the semester. For more information visit the Learning Center on the main floor of the Library

grade percentage description
A+ 100 Exceeds outstanding. Truly amazing work.
A 96-100 Outstanding achievement. Student performance demonstrates full command of the course materials and evinces a high level of originality and/or creativity that far surpasses course expectations.
A- 91-95 Excellent achievement. Student performance demonstrates thorough knowledge of the course materials and exceeds course expectations by completing all requirements in a superior manner
B+ 88-90 Very good work, above-average, Student performance demonstrates comprehension of the course materials and exceeds course expectations.
B 84-87 Good work. Student performance meets designated course expectations, demonstrates good understanding of material.
B- 81-83 Better than average. Student performance demonstrates better than average understanding of material.
C+ 78-80 Slightly better than average work.
C 74-77 Average work.
C- 71-73 Slightly below average work.
D+ 68-70 Below average work.
D 64-67 Below average work.
D- 60-63 Below average work.
F Less than 60 Failing.

GDD Policies

GDD is a program in which you will be generating a great deal of digital content. Safe storage of this material is essential to your success in the GDD program. We provide you with a folder on the GDD server in which you can store your materials, but it is essential that you also have your own external drive in which you keep current and backup files for all of your work. Do not leave materials on the hard drives of the machines in the lab as these machines can crash or have the drives wiped unpredictably. As professionals in this field we expect you to understand that lost or damaged files are not an excuse for missing or late work. Backup your work and archive it regularly.

GDD keeps an archive of student work which may be displayed on the program website and used to publicize and promote our students and our program. At the end of each semester, you are responsible for turning in your completed projects in playable form, with all associated code and media, to your professor. You should also turn in a video of gameplay. Make sure you and any other sources are accurately credited in these materials. You should also have a website that GDD will link to from the student page of the GDD site that provides links to your bio and completed projects.

A number of the software programs we use will require you to create personal user accounts. Please use your Quinnipiac email and usernames when signing up. For example, if your name is John Smith Doe, please sign up with the following credentials:

Name: John Doe Username: jsdoe Email: John.Doe@quinnipiac.edu

It is recommended that you use your QU password as well. Be sure to keep you password in a safe place.

QU Student Resources

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