GDD 311 Game Lab IV - Team Projects

GDD 311 Assignments

50 pts. Market Analysis:
Do a search on the web and app stores for products similar to your proposed game. How does your idea compete/compare? Why would someone choose yours? Determine what consumers might be willing to pay for yours. Look at how other products are markeing successfully and think about how you could do something similar.
50 pts. Project Budget:
Accurately forecasting the scope of work and the amount of time and money needed to accoplish it is complex. Choose a tool for your team to use to forecast and then record actual amounts of time expended on the project.Team members should be paid every week based on their work. At the end of the semester you will report on how much project actually cost vs. your projection.
100 pts. Game/Project Wireframe:
Using Miro or similar software, lay out the entire scope of the project. Include all project content, art, UI, decision points, color scheme, and any other relevant information.
100 pts. Game/Project Design Documents
The team will prepare design documentation that communicates the project scope, goals, process, and content. This should include both text and visual components that demonstrate the art and other assets used in the project. You will indicate the software you will use to manage progress, communication and code repositories. This will be the basis of your weekly reporting.The group should also determine the appropriate legal documents needed to ensure smooth work on the project and future continuation of it.
100 pts. Testable Prototype
As early as possible in the process, your team should have a testable prototype that can be played by the target audience to get early feedback. This can be a paper or powerpoint prototype.
150 pts. Playtesting documentation
Describe how your team used playtesting to iteratively improve the game. Describe each playtest (at least 3), the tools you used to measure player engagement (written questionnaires, video of players playing, etc.) and summarize what you learned from each session. Also discuss how your findings informed the next steps of the process. Playtesting should include consideration of any data generated by the game and how you can use analytics to improve the game and possibly sales.
150 pts. Individual and Group Weekly Progress Grade
Each week of the production cycle (10 weeks), your team will report on individual and group progress and achievement of milestones
200 pts. Final Product and presentation
At the final you will present your project. All your materials should be in shared OneDrive folder with links to all materials and a video trailer of the project we can use to show your work to others. Presentation should include future plans for the continued dissemination of the work
100 pts. Professionalism - Team/ Self Assessment and relationship with client
You and your team will assess your own and others behavior in the class towards clients, colleagues, and the work.